Floortime is one of the relationship-based therapy for kids with autism. The intervention is named Floortime because the primary caregiver gets down on the ground with the kid to play and interact with the kid at their level. Floortime is an alternate to ABA and can typically utilized in combination with ABA therapies. The aim is for primary caregivers to assist children expand their “circles of communication.” They meet the kid at their developmental level and devolve on their strengths. Therapists and the primary caregiver engage children through the activities each kid enjoys. They enter the kid’s games and follow the kid’s lead.
Key Milestones of Emotional and Intellectual Growth
Floortime aims to assist the kid reach key milestones that contribute to emotional and intellectual growth. These are self-regulation and interest within the world, intimacy, or engagement in relationships, two-way communication, complex communication, emotional ideas, emotional thinking.
How to Practise Floortime :
If the kid is tapping a toy plane, the primary caregiver might tap a toy firetruck within the same way(mirroring). The primary caregiver might then put the fritruck ahead of the kid’s plane (engage) or add language to the play (verbal output). This assist the kid to reply and interact.
As kids grow, therapists and primary caregivers match the strategies with their kid’s developing interests. They assist higher levels of interaction.
In later times, rather than wiggling with toy planes, parents can engage with modelling toys like legos or maybe add ideas and academic fields of interest to their kid.
Primary caregivers are assisted to use Floortime in their daily lives.
The questions you should ask about Floortime before you start:
Who are the therapist that is going to be working directly with my kid?
How many years has the therapist ever been working with kids with autism?
Will services be provided at home or an office?
What does the first assessment cover?
How many hours of therapy per week?
How long are the floortime therapy sessions?
What education does therapist present for primary caregivers?
How are aims decided? Can primary caregivers add goals?
What does a regular program seems like?
How does the therapist quantify the improvement?
What improvement should we wait for from the Floortime therapy?